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BiomolEculaR SERUM

Chronosome Formula


About us

A new asset


Our defense and repair capabilities are tested every day in our body and seem to diminish from year to year, causing aging.

Day after day, the regeneration of the cells slows down and alterations appear in all the tissues, naturally, more visible, on the level of the cutaneous apparatus.

But we note that by isolating cells and specifically stimulating certain groups of genes acting in cascade, it is possible to find the regenerative capacity of our young years.

The life expectancy increases and it is essential to increase the resistance potential of your skin, of all your tissues or organs able to establish exchanges in contact with the active ingredients contained in Chronosome.

Cosmetology usually uses plant extracts or biological extracts.

Mastering new technologies, sequencing your DNA and understanding the mechanisms of aging can broaden the range of anti-aging products. From now on you are the source of these new assets.

Chronosome ™, made from your own DNA, becomes its exclusive vector.

This product is totally personalized. You will be the sole beneficiary of its effectiveness, it can not be exchanged or offered to others because, as you know, the DNA of each human body is personal and unique.








A long journey

dna discovery

2000 years

Heredity questions since Aristote

1850, Mendel looks for links

1869, Miescher finds Nuclein

1944, Avery communicates on DNA

1953, Watson et Crik describe DNA

DNA, how it works

50  years

A 3 billion rungs ladder

22000 genes for a whole body

Discovery of DNA codes

Living creation in laboratory

Use of  DNA scissors 

Molecule sequencing

Understanding DNA

2010 till …

Creative genes

Weakening genes

Coding genes

Expressing genes

Preventive medicine 

early diagnosis


Research for circulating pieces of DNA showing the slow occurence of serious,  degenerative or family diseases.

Risk calculation


Risk calculation of cancer diseases, cardiovascular weakness, nutrional or medication sensitivity.

Aging prevention


Extraction of  the cellular repair codes. Preservation during some years. And then giving them back to slow down aging.

Your DNA also codes the aging of your cells

Order you sample kit

Send us easily your DNA

We will extract, purify and protect your genetic patrimony and during one year you will have plenty of time to decide what information you need to better manage your present and future health.

Leave a message for orders and questions

Collection kit, extraction, purification, storage one year waiting for your requests CHF 80.-

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Protect your genetic patrimony in a Swiss data bank for more than ten years

Easily send us your DNA. We will extract, purify and protect your genetic patrimony for ten years. You can, at any time, ask for cancer risk analyzes or food and drug sensitivities to better manage your present and future health.

Leave a message for orders and questions

Collection kit, extraction, purification, storage 10 years waiting for your requests CHF 480.-

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Order your Chronosome Formula

Send us your DNA easily. After extraction, purification, we will keep your cell repair DNA codes, guarantor of your youth, for more than ten years and you will receive each year the Chronosome-specific formula based on your DNA to better stop the alteration of your face.

Leave a message for orders and questions

Collection kit, extraction, purification, storage + 10 years and Stop-Aging serum for one year CHF 5000.-

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Swiss Label mesotherapy for all joint pains


Health and beauty for seniors in Geneva


Medi–Golf-Care to improve the mobility and handicap of golfers


Sleep checkup, polysomnography at home, in your bed, for good prevention




Many Swiss partners, for efficiency, quality and trust.




Communication at the molecular level, listen, understand, answer 

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Stay in contact


We are scientists, and appreciate your comments, your questions, your suggestions …

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Coordinator in Geneva

Jean-Pierre Jubin
